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Best professional headshot
services in Kaunas

Get an overview about head in Kaunas. Learn more about average cost, how to book a headshot and other services they might offer

Headshot Services in Kaunas City

Headshot services in Kaunas city are offered by various professional photographers who specialize in capturing high-quality, natural, and emotional portraits. These photographers have a passion for photography and offer a range of services, including photo tours, workshops, and customized photo shoots.

Cost and Pricing

The cost of headshot services in Kaunas city varies depending on the package and services chosen. The average cost of a photo shoot can range from $250 USD to $750 USD, depending on the duration of the shoot and the number of edited photos included. Additional services, such as hair and makeup, may incur extra fees. Here are some package options and their prices:

  • Bronze Package: $250 USD (30 minutes, 20 edited hi-res photos)
  • Silver Package: $350 USD (60 minutes, 35 edited hi-res photos)
  • Gold Package: $500 USD (100 minutes, 60 edited hi-res photos)
  • Photo + Video Package: $750 USD (60 minutes, 35 edited hi-res photos, 60 sec Full-HD video)

Convenience and Scheduling

Headshot services in Kaunas city are available on both weekdays and weekends, and sessions can be scheduled to fit your convenience. The session duration varies depending on the package chosen, ranging from 30 minutes to 100 minutes. The turnaround time for edited photos is typically 4 working days.

Service Options and Customization

Headshot services in Kaunas city offer a range of options and customization to fit your needs. Some photographers offer hair and makeup services, while others provide wardrobe consulting and photo editing and retouching services. You can choose from various packages, including photo tours and workshops, to create a customized experience. Additionally, some photographers offer specialized services, such as baby-smooth skin and one size up/down editing, for an extra fee.

Best headshot photography services in Kaunas

Akių Fotografija
5(134)+370 615 11107

Ši paslauga siūlo unikalų ir neįprastą būdą įamžinti asmens akies bei jos unikalumą. Ji yra skirta visiems, kas nori turėti neįprastą ir asmeninį atminimo objektą. Paslauga įtraukia trumpą fotografavimo procesą, trukmės iki 15 minučių, kurio metu specifiškaiFFECT atskleidžiama asmens akies spalva bei raštai. Galima rinktis įvairius efektus ir spausdinti nuotraukas ant stiklo, drobės arba telefonų dėkliukų.

Klientai, kurie jau pasinaudojo šia paslauga, labai ją pagyrė, giria šiltą aptarnavimą, profesionalumą ir greitą bei kokybišką darbą. Jie taip pat pabrėžė, kad akies nuotraukos yra ypatingas ir unikalus dovanų pasirinkimas, kuris gali tapti šeimos simboliu.

Dainius Leščinskas yra profesionalus fotografas, specializuojantis šeimos šventėse, vestuvėse, asmeniniuose portretuose ir verslo įvaizdžio fotografijoje Kaune ir visoje Lietuvoje. Jis domina savo darbais, kuriuose vyrauja tikros spalvos, nesuvaidintos emocijos, subtili elegancija ir autentiškumas. Dainius yra laimingas, kad žmonės renkasi jo kūrybą, ir visada stengiasi sukurti jauką ir malonią atmosferą fotosesijų metu.

Jam rekomenduoja klientai, kurie yra patyrę jo profesionalumą ir malonų bendravimą. Jis dalijasi patarimais ir įamžina pornosesijos ar šventės metu tvyrančias emocijas. Dainius jau yra įamžinęs daugybę svarbių akimirkų, ir jo klientai juo labai patenkinti. Jei norite užfiksuoti savo šventę ar paprastą dieną, Dainius yra pasirinkimas, kuris garantuoja aukštos kokybės fotografijas ir malonų bendravimą. Rezervacija 2025 metų fotosesijoms jau vyksta, tad neuždelkite ir rezervuokite savo šventės datą dabar!

It appears that the provided text is in Lithuanian and contains contact information and address details for a photography studio. The studio, seemingly called "Ąžuolaitytės Foto/Salionas," is located at Butrimonių g. 9, 5th floor, in Kaunas, and the entrance is from the inner courtyard side.

To find the studio, visitors are advised to use the Waze navigation app and enter "Ąžuolaitytės Foto/Salionas" to be guided via the most suitable route. Parking is available and free of charge around the studio, making it convenient for those arriving by car. The studio can be contacted at 8600-90636 or via email at [email protected] for any inquiries or to schedule a session.

Modus Vivendi Fotostudija
5(28)+370 635 33716

Edgaras Bajerčius is a photographer based in Kaunas, Lithuania, specializing in portrait and headshot photography. With a passion for capturing the essence of his subjects, he offers high-quality photography services to individuals and professionals looking to enhance their personal or business image. His portfolio showcases a range of styles and approaches, from formal and professional to creative and artistic.

Through his lens, Edgaras aims to reveal the unique character and personality of each subject, providing them with compelling and effective visual representations. Whether for personal or professional use, his photographs are designed to make a lasting impression. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to excellence, Edgaras Bajerčius Photography is a go-to choice for those seeking exceptional headshots and portraits in Lithuania.

Faina studija
5(4)+370 665 57388

This photography studio offers a unique and creative space for photography, filming, training, and events. The studio has multiple rooms, each with its own distinct features and equipment. Studio A is a 150-square-meter space with a sleek design, constantly updated decorations, and plenty of natural light, as well as studio flashes and continuous light lamps. It also features a corner cyclo backstory, allowing for a seamless background for photos. The studio is equipped with everything needed to create stunning photos, and the staff is always available to assist with technical aspects, so that clients can focus on their creative work.

The studio also has other rooms, including Studio B, a 100-square-meter minimalist space with a corner cyclo backstory and various backdrops, and Studio C, the largest room with 160 square meters of space and a unique 54-square-meter cyclo backstory that provides a wide range of shooting options. Additionally, there is a makeup zone with two workstations, a dressing area, rest area, and mini kitchen, providing a comfortable space for models and clients to prepare for their photo shoots. The studio aims to provide a space where photographers can express their creativity and bring their ideas to life, with the necessary tools and resources to produce high-quality and meaningful photographs.

Esu profesionalus fotografas ir videografas, teikiantis aukštos kokybės paslaugas tiek asmeniniams, tiek verslo poreikiams. Specializuojausi vestuvių, krikštynų, asmeninių fotosesijų, renginių, reklaminių klipų bei produktų fotografijoje ir filmavime. Mano tikslas - sukurti vizualinį turinį, kuris ne tik pritrauktų dėmesį, bet ir įkvėptų emocijas. Kreipkitės dėl individualių projektų, kur kiekviena detalė bus įgyvendinta su precizišku tikslumu.

Siūlau įvairias fotografavimo paslaugas, įskaitant portretinę, asmeninę fotosesiją, vestuvių, krikštynų, renginių, reklaminę, įmonės fotosesiją, nekilnojamojo turto fotografavimą ir daugiau. Taip pat teikiu profesionalias filmavimo paslaugas, kurios puikiai tinka įvairiems projektams, nuo vestuvių ir renginių iki reklaminių vaizdo įrašų ir produktų demonstracijų. Visos paslaugos yra pritaikytos individualiems poreikiams ir projektams, tad pasinaudokite mano paslaugomis ir leiskite man įamžinti jūsų ypatingas akimirkas.

More headshot photography services in Kaunas

Sam Studio
4.3(122)+370 646 17044

VK Foto

Profesionali fotografė Kaune! Siūlau Vestuvių, Krikštynų šeimos, vaikų ir asmenines fotosesijas patraukliomis kainomis!

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