Get an overview about head in Silkeborg. Learn more about average cost, how to book a headshot and other services they might offer
Headshot services in Silkeborg City are offered by professional photographers who specialize in capturing high-quality, professional headshots for individuals and businesses. These services are ideal for those who need profile pictures for social media, LinkedIn, or other professional platforms. One such photographer, Mads Peter Iversen, is based in Silkeborg and Aarhus, and has experience in headshot photography, fine art landscape photography, and videography.
The cost of headshot services in Silkeborg City can vary depending on the photographer and the package chosen. On average, a session can cost around $200-$500 USD, which may include a 30-minute to 1-hour photoshoot, editing, and retouching of 3-5 photos. Some photographers may offer additional services such as hair and makeup, wardrobe consulting, and photo editing, which can add to the overall cost.
Headshot photographers in Silkeborg City typically offer flexible scheduling to accommodate clients' busy schedules. Sessions can be booked on weekdays and weekends, and some photographers may offer extended hours or last-minute bookings. The turnaround time for edited photos is usually within 3-5 business days, depending on the photographer's workload.
Some headshot photographers in Silkeborg City offer additional services to enhance the photography experience. These may include:
Mads Peter Iversen, for example, has experience with video editing and photography, and may offer customized packages for clients.
Karina Dalsgaard is a passionate photographer who specializes in capturing the heart and personality of businesses and families through her photos. She believes that authentic and genuine images can help businesses stand out from the competition and create a lasting impression on their target audience. With her expertise in branding and identity photography, Karina helps her clients convey their unique story and values through visually stunning and emotive images. Whether it's a personal branding session or a family photo shoot, Karina aims to create a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere that brings out the best in her subjects.
Karina's services range from mini branding packages for start-ups to full-scale branding packages for established businesses. She has worked with various clients, including entrepreneurs and small business owners, to help them showcase their personality and values through high-quality photos. Her goal is to provide her clients with a unique visual identity that sets them apart and helps them grow their business. With her expertise and passion for photography, Karina is dedicated to delivering exceptional results that exceed her clients' expectations. Whether you're looking to boost your personal brand or capture precious family moments, Karina is the perfect choice to help you achieve your goals.
Jeg søger efter søde børn og deres forældre til at udvide min portfolio som fotograf. Hvis du og din familie er villige til at være modeller og giver mig lov til at bruge billeder på mine kanaler, kan du få 495 kroner i rabat på et foto-shoot. I løbet af dette ene times shoot på en aftalt location vil jeg tage en række billeder, hvoraf du kan vælge imellem 40 billeder.
Priserne for billederne er som følger: 10 billeder koster 1400 kroner, 15 billeder koster 1950 kroner, og hver yderligere bilde koster 180 kroner. Alternativt kan du købe alle billederne i onlinegalleriet for 3000 kroner. For at book din tid kan du enten sende en email eller skrive en direkte besked på Instagram. Dette er en god mulighed for at få nogle smukke billeder af din familie, samtidig med at du hjælper mig med at udvide min portfolio.
Fotograf Thomas Dohn er en lokal fotografinvestering i Silkeborg, som har specialiseret sig i at tage billeder inden for tre hovedområder: mode, portræt og erhverv. Dette betyder, at han er ekspert i at fange smukke og professionelle billeder, som kan bruges til diverse formål, lige fra modekampagner til erhvervsbrug og personlige portrætter.
Med en specialist som Thomas Dohn, kan man forvente billeder af højeste kvalitet, som kan hjælpe med at fremhæve ens personlighed eller virksomhedsimage på bedst mulig vis. Hans lokalitet i Silkeborg gør det også nemt for kunder i området at arbejde sammen med ham og få de billeder, de har brug for, uden at skulle rejse langt.
Cecilie Tornelund, a passionate photographer, invites you to a creative world of images that capture the essence of the people in focus. She believes that the magic happens in the encounter between the subject, surroundings, and her camera, resulting in authentic and present photographs that tell a story. With a focus on collaboration, Cecilie aims to create images that reflect the true personality and atmosphere of her subjects.
On her website, you can explore a selection of her work, learn about her services and prices, and get in touch with her to book a photo shoot or consultation. To stay updated on her latest work, you can also follow her on Instagram, where she shares her creative vision and inspirations. Whether you're looking for a professional photographer to capture your special moment or simply want to explore the world of photography, Cecilie's creative universe is worth discovering.
Thomas Juul, en professionel fotograf med base i Silkeborg i Midtjylland, er manden bag Juul Fotografi. Han er en dedikeret fotograf, der er lige dele passioneret og professionel, og tager billeder i hele Danmark. Hans udgangspunkt er altid, at udtrykket i billederne skal afspejle personligheden og tankerne bag, uanset om det er portrætfotos eller reklamefotos. Gennem efterredigering får billederne det sidste touch, så de kommer ud over scenekanten og bliver bemærket.
Juul Fotografi har en bred kundekreds, fra familieportrætter og store virksomheder til frisøren på hjørnet, der mangler billeder til hjemmesiden. Thomas samarbejder ofte med en professionel stylist for at få ekstra fokus på udstrålingen, og finder glæde i den store variation i arbejdet, fra medarbejderportrætter og erhvervsfotografi til bryllupsbilleder og familieportrætter. Med sin personlige og professionelle tilgang sikrer han, at alle får et godt billede, uanset budget eller formål.
At Silkefoto, vi tilbyder en bred vifte af tjenester, der går langt ud over det sædvanlige. Vi håndterer ikke kun billeder, men også film, og vores mål er at gøre processen så let og enkel som muligt for dig. Uanset om du ønsker at digitalisere gamle videobånd, bestille billeder eller fotoprodukter online, eller fremkalde analogfilm, så er vores filosofi at gøre alting enkelt og overskueligt.
Vi har udviklet Danmarks simpleste online bestillingssystem, Silkeprint, der giver dig mulighed for at få det resultat og den detaljegrad du ønsker i dine fotobøger og fotokalendere. Med vores nye webshop,, kan du let og nemt handle vores produkter og services fra din computer eller mobil. Vi glæder os til at vise, hvad vi kan tilbyde, både af produkter og services, og er dedikeret til at gladlyde dine behov og gøre det let for dig at få det bedste ud af dine fotoprodukter.
Trine Mandal Mortensen is a photographer with a passion for capturing mood and atmosphere in her work. She has a weakness for dark and moody photography, inspired by the Old Masters such as Rembrandt and Caravaggio, and works exclusively with natural light to add a touch of magic to her photos. Her photography style ranges from nature and portraits to still life, where she creates her own mood and atmosphere through styling and light. She also shares her knowledge and skills through her blog, where she posts about photography, styling, and art history, and offers online courses, such as creating "eye candy" product photos for social media and webshops.
Trine's love for photography started at a young age, and after initially pursuing a different path, she eventually decided to follow her heart and pursue photography full-time. She now offers her services as a photographer, and her work includes capturing the coronavirus pandemic in a unique and creative way, inspired by the style of the 17th Century old masters. She also sells A4 photographic prints of her work and is open to collaborations and bookings, inviting potential clients to get in touch with her to discuss their photography needs.
Fotograf Silkeborg. Ejskjær Foto tilbyder: Familiefoto, Børnefoto, Bryllypsfotografi, Konfirmation, Profil / Erhvervsportrætter og Boudior.
Atelier i Silkeborg, hvor vi foreviger familien, søskende, nyfødt-fotografering og meget andet. Det foregår alt sammen i PhotoCare Silkeborg, på Østergade 14.
Generate realistic, high-resolution headshots with our AI in less than 2 hours. Just upload your selfie, and choose styles