Get an overview about head in Aalborg. Learn more about average cost, how to book a headshot and other services they might offer
Aalborg city offers a diverse array of headshot photography services, capturing the essence of its rich history, lively cultural scene, and picturesque landscapes. With various photographers available, individuals can choose the best fit for their needs. PhotoPacks, for instance, provides AI-powered headshots at affordable rates, with a 24-hour turnaround and satisfaction guarantee.
The cost of headshot services in Aalborg city varies. According to Source #2, photographers may charge between $0 to $900 per hour. However, PhotoPacks offers headshots for $19, which is significantly more affordable. Additional fees for hair, makeup, and editing services are not specified, but it is mentioned that prices on MyWed include editing.
Photographers in Aalborg city are available for booking, with some offering services in nearby cities. The availability of photographers on weekends and weekdays is not explicitly stated, but some photographers have a listed phone number, indicating potential flexibility. Session duration and turnaround time for edited photos vary, with PhotoPacks offering a 24-hour turnaround.
Some photographers in Aalborg city offer additional services such as wedding photography, while others may provide portrait or family photography. Hair and makeup services are not mentioned, but wardrobe consulting and photo editing services may be available. PhotoPacks, for example, provides AI-powered editing services, ensuring high-quality headshots.
Here is a 1-2 paragraph summary of the headshot photography service:
This photography service offers affordable and convenient options for individuals needing passport photos or driver's license photos. They claim to have the cheapest passport photos in Denmark, with a price of 79,- kr for 4 photos.
The service is open from Monday to Thursday, 9:30 - 17:00, making it easy to drop by and get your photos taken care of during the week.
It appears that this is a photography service based in Denmark, run by a photographer named Katerina Komselis. The website seems to be organized into different categories, including home, business, private, sports, and prices, suggesting that Katerina offers a range of photography services to various clients. The website also features a section about the photographer herself, as well as a blog or travel section, potentially showcasing her experiences and adventures.
The categories listed on the website imply that Katerina's photography services cater to different needs and occasions, such as business headshots, private events, and sports photography. The prices section likely provides clients with information on the cost of her services, while the blog or travel section may give insight into Katerina's creative process, inspirations, and experiences as a photographer. Overall, Katerina Komselis' photography service seems to be a professional and versatile offering, with a range of services and a personal touch.
PhotoCare Aalborg is a photography service located at Ågade 18 in Aalborg, offering a range of services to capture and print your special moments. You can print your pictures easily and quickly, whether you want to create a collage, enlarge them, or put them in a photo album or book. They also offer film development, including color negative development, with options for 24 or 36 exposures, and even same-day development in just 2 hours. Additionally, they hand-develop black and white film and can also scan old negatives.
The service also includes ID, passport, and driver's license photos, which can be done in just 3 minutes without an appointment. They have the necessary equipment and expertise to produce correct passport photos according to international standards. PhotoCare Aalborg also has a photography studio where they take all types of photos, from newborn and children's photos to senior portraits. They also offer school photography services, visiting local schools and institutions to take photos, and welcome children who are not photographed at school to visit their studio for the same offerings. You can contact them at Ågade 18, 9000 Aalborg, or call 98 12 40 04 to learn more about their services and opening hours.
Fotograferne Vesterbro er en professionel fotograf i Aalborg, der har specialiseret sig i at tage billeder af høj kvalitet, der fortæller en historie og appellerer til følelserne. Med en lang historie på over 50 år har de udviklet en unik tilgang til fotografiet, der kombinerer teknik, faglighed, erfaring og en personlig tilgang. De kan klare alt fra portrætfotos til reklamefotos, erhvervsfotos, familiefotos, bryllups- og konfirmationsbilleder samt pasfoto, og de sikrer, at du får det bedste ud af dine billeder.
Fotograferne Vesterbro er kendt for deres dedikation til at give dig den bedste oplevelse og til at ramme præcis det udtryk, du ønsker. De har en omfattende viden om de fotografiske virkemidler og hvordan de kan bruges i kombination med hinanden for at formidle den fortælling eller det øjebliksbillede, du gerne vil gemme og eventuelt dele med omverdenen. Uanset om du er en privatperson eller en virksomhed, kan du stole på, at Fotograferne Vesterbro vil levere billeder, der afspejler din historie og din identitet på en måde, der er både personlig og professionel.
Jeg hjælper selvstændige med at markedsføre sig på en måde, der føles simpel, menneskelig og overskuelig. Mange dygtige selvstændige kæmper med at få deres budskab ud til verden, og det kan føre til stress og usikkerhed om, hvor den næste kunde skal komme fra. Jeg tror på, at markedsføring handler om at skabe en connection med andre mennesker, og ikke om at bruge tricks til at sælge mest til flest. Min måde arbejder på at tiltrække de kunder, som du kan hjælpe bedst, hvilket giver den største arbejdsglæde, de gladeste kunder og den mest bæredygtige forretning.
Jeg tilbyder skræddersyet rådgivning, hvor jeg hjælper dig med at skabe en meningsfuld forretning, der både giver glade kunder og en god økonomi. Jeg kan hjælpe dig med at lave storsælgende opslag på Instagram, skrive opslag der får dine kunder til at finde dig og blive fan af dig, og giver dig en konkret plan til at gøre din profil til en kundemagnet. Jeg har også en guide med 25 mikroændringer, der kan hjælpe dig med at skabe salg på Instagram. Jeg har hjulpet mange selvstændige tidligere, og de er meget tilfredse med resultatet, så lad os arbejde sammen for at skabe en meningsfuld forretning, der giver dig den ro og glæde, du ønsker.
This photography service specializes in capturing high-quality headshots, commercial, and portrait photos. With a focus on providing excellent imagery, they aim to help individuals and businesses convey their professional and personal brand through stunning visuals. Their services range from headshots for personal and professional use, to commercial photography for businesses and organizations, and portrait photography for those looking to capture special moments or milestones.
Whether you're an individual looking to update your professional profile, a business seeking to enhance your brand image, or simply someone who wants to capture a special moment, this photography service is equipped to provide you with the best possible photos. With a range of services and a commitment to quality, they strive to deliver exceptional results that exceed their clients' expectations.
It appears that the provided content is from a Danish website for a headshot photography service, showcasing the work of photographer Benny Rytter. The website likely features a portfolio of his photographs, including headshots of various individuals, as well as information about his services and contact details. The site may also include a blog section where Benny shares his experiences, tips, and insights on photography.
The website's layout suggests that it is designed to be easy to navigate, with clear sections for different types of content, such as portfolio, about, contact, and references. The "Se Mere" (See More) button likely leads to additional content or a gallery of photographs. Overall, the website seems to be a professional online presence for Benny Rytter's headshot photography services, allowing potential clients to view his work and get in touch with him for their photography needs.
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Generate realistic, high-resolution headshots with our AI in less than 2 hours. Just upload your selfie, and choose styles